About us - Nordic Gnostic Unity

A.I.C. "The International Academy for Total Human Culture" through the “Nordic Gnostic Unity” provides free memberships for basic education and consciousness training for those who are seriously interested. Nordic Gnostic Unity (NGU) follows the ethical and moral guidelines set up by the A.I.C. NGU bases its knowledge and consciousness development on the "New World Doctrine," whose patrons are: Sandor A Markus and Ann-Sofie Hammarbäck. In its present state this site offers high school teachings and is an add-on for studies at www.worlddoctrine.org with the project site www.unifier.se

The aim of the NGU is the same as for A.I.C.

The eight points of goal

One World Commonwealth
One Fraternal Humanity
A flag of Love Wisdom
One moral standard
One language of understanding
Above All Frontiers
Above All Prejudices
Above All Traditions.

The AIC Foundation

Regulations, Board, AIC Structure

The NGU regulations are the same as for A.I.C.:
AIC Regulations
The board is the same as for A.I.C.:
The AIC Board
AIC Foundation, Academy
The AIC structure

Dr. Sandor A. Markus

The Founder

Sandor A Markus - Founder
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There are several ways to contribute

Ways to contribute >>>
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Copywrite NGU, Northern Pontifical Academy 2025 (A.I.C.)